Worship at Denison First United Methodist Church (First Church)
is a blend of contemporary and traditional styles characteristic
of the United Methodist traditions. We come together each week
to celebrate what God is doing in our lives, how God is working
through us, and what God is doing in the world. We create
community through prayer, laughter, and experience of the Holy.
Our worship service is the celebration of the Spirit that
inspires and permeates all of our other activities.
We believe it is important for the Laity to be involved in
Sunday Morning Worship. We encourage the membership to involve
themselves in the following ways: Organists, Pianists, Soloists,
Small Groups, Liturgists, Children Sermon, Choirs, Acolytes, Ushers, and Greeters.
If you missed a Sunday, click
here for the Sermon Archives.
Sunday Morning Schedule
9:00 am
Worship Service
Child care in the nursery during the worship hour is provided.
Wheel chair accommodations in the sanctuary are available.
Special Worship Services
The congregation also gathers to observe special celebrations
throughout the year.
Ash Wednesday
7:00 pm
Maundy Thursday
7:00 pm
Good Friday
7:00 pm
Christmas Eve
7:00 pm
Children and Nursery
Children are encouraged to worship as members of the people of
God. We believe faith is "caught" not "taught" and therefore
children come to know about faith by being a part of a community
that worships together. We have children's sermons during
worship each Sunday, in addition to Sunday School activities and
other programs. If you wish, we also offer a nursery available
for babies and toddlers, staffed by members of the congregation
each Sunday.
The Nursery is housed in the second floor of the
educational wing, up the stairs and to the right when you enter
the north door.
Sunday School
Sunday School for all ages is taught from 10:15 to 11:15 am, in the
educational wing of the church, during the regular school year.
Usually the children begin with worship through song, then go to
their rooms for Sunday School.
Adult Sunday School
An adult Sunday School bible study is held in the library during
the regular school year for those who wish to participate.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion, also called the Lord's Supper, originated in the
Passover meal to which Jesus gave new meaning on the night
before his crucifixion. We believe it is through this common
meal, symbolized with the bread and the cup, that we experience
Christ present among us. The communion meal is a remembrance of
Christ's sacrificial death and glorious resurrection; a
celebration of God's covenant of forgiveness, love, and hope; a
reminder of God's presence among us; and a source of grace which
helps strengthen and renew our faith. The Holy Meal consists of
bread and grape juice.
United Methodists believe Christ is present as Spirit, not
actual flesh and blood. We celebrate open communion, and all who
claim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are welcome, regardless of
church affiliation. While children may not understand the full
meaning of this sacrament, they are welcome to share in it as
part of God's family. Communion is celebrated on the first
Sunday of each month and at other special services throughout
the year.
Baptism is a sacrament ordained by Christ, which can be received
only once. Any Christian baptism is recognized by the United
Methodist Church. Baptism is about belonging. When we are
baptized, we become members of the church family, the body of
Christ. Baptism is a sacrament-an outward and visible sign of an
inward and spiritual grace given by God. God's love is always
with us and is unmerited. It does not rest on any act of ours.
The promises we make in baptism are in response to God's
gracious love in Jesus Christ. Baptism marks our initiation into
the Christian faith community.
We baptize both children and adults. We baptize infants because
"our Lord has expressly given little children a place among the
people of God, which holy privilege must not be denied them.
Remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, how he said, 'Let
the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs
of God.'" Infant baptism symbolizes God's love freely given and
the responsibility of the parents and the Church to nurture the
child's faith development. A baptized infant becomes a
"preparatory" member. Baptism in the United Methodist Church,
whether infant, youth, or adult, is typically performed by
sprinkling the participant during a worship service.
The service of Christian marriage, a sacred covenant, is
provided for couples who wish to solemnize their marriage in a
service of Christian worship. The service reflects the belief
that husband and wife are equal partners in Christian marriage
and that they enter into marriage by their own choice. Those who
attend the service are active participants in the marriage: they
give the couple their blessing and they join in prayer and
praise. Specific ethnic and cultural traditions are
enthusiastically encouraged and may be incorporated into the
service at the discretion of the pastors. If you are interested
in using First United Methodist Church for your wedding, as for
a copy of the Guidelines for Use of First Church, and fill out
the "Permission to Use Facility". We wish all the best in your
upcoming nuptials.
Memorial Services
The Christian funeral service is the final dedication of a
faithful disciple of Jesus Christ and is, therefore, an act of
worship. The congregation and our pastors want to minister to
families on the occasion of death. Please call the Pastors as
soon as her presence would be helpful to you. Arrangements for a
funeral or memorial service should be made in consultation with
the Pastors. |