As early as 1957 it was becoming obvious that the sanctuary of
Denison First United Methodist Church, built in 1887, was
deteriorating. Possibly an insignificant factor was the design and
upkeep of the original stained glass windows. Their beauty added
meaning to the frame style building. At this time, congregations
were becoming more energy conscious and the single pane windows
allowed much heat loss. Their age and quality were susceptible to
damage, either from natural causes (hail and wind) or from vandalism
(BB guns and rocks). Repair of such delicate creations required the
services of craftsmen, usually from a distance and at considerable
expense.The windows, a major decorative item in the sanctuary,
were designed especially for this church. After consultation with
the building committee, the windows were designed by Miss Delores
Veth of St. Louis, Missouri, for the Conrade Schmitt Studios, Inc.
of New Berlin, Wisconsin. They are constructed of brick, faceted,
colored glass, cast in epoxy, and approximately 4 inches thick. The
only anticipated damage would have to come from a high powered rifle
or weapon. Each window is separate in design and each carries a
background of crosses. In choice of colors and shadings, each window
is designed with pastel shaded glass at their "extremities" with the
colors becoming more intense as they reach the center of each
window, and its message.
 As once enters the sanctuary, note the first window to the left.
The focus is "Faith", the reason congregation members attend
this church. The symbolism is a boat and the message "Do Not
Despair", indicating strength through faith. The adjacent window's
focus is "Joy", indicating the mental feelings of members
with strong faith. The yellow rays are indicative of the
glowing radiance of a joyful person. The message is "Let Yourself
 The focus of the third window is "Love" the inevitable
emotion felt by joyful persons experience a strong faith. the
symbolic candle flames are intended to indicate the existence of
loving persons and the glow they radiate to others. "We Care" is
expressed by faithful, joyful, loving
Christians. Persons sharing these qualities need a place for "Worship"
depicted in the adjoining window. The abundance of intensely colored
glass surrounding this message is symbolical of the warm feelings
experienced by worshippers in this sanctuary. For this, they "Give
Thanks to the Lord."
 Moving to the right side of the altar, the window messages
continue. Closest to the organ and choir, the focus of the window is
"Praise to God." One of the strengths of this congregation is
their emphasis on music. The treble clef symbol indicates this,
along with the message, "Sing Out." Adjacent to this window is the
message of "Life." The green leaves symbolize living things.
It is hoped that all human beings can experience a faith and it's
qualities during their life. No one should be excluded from
this congregation and should know "You Are Unique in the World."
 God did not promise that everyone's life would be easy and
without incident. A strong faith should provide "Hope" during
all circumstances. Hope is a source of security, symbolized by the
anchor in the window and reminding members to "Take Courage."
Members of this congregation having experienced a strong faith, joy,
love, worshiping, and praising God, experiencing hope will
eventually be at "Peace", having lived in "Harmony with God."
Of course, the symbol of peace is the dove.
One cannot spend time in this sanctuary without receiving the
message supplied by these windows, absolutely unique to this church
and its congregation. |